Our SPARC Partner Portal is a library of SolarEdge marketing assets that are appropriate to the UK and Ireland. It includes photos, icons, graphics, brochures, logos and videos for use in your own marketing materials.
- FIND relevant marketing assets for our region and your market segment quickly and easily
- SHARE assets with your own customers directly from the portal
- DOWNLOAD assets in various file formats and sizes to use on your own website and marketing materials
- ALWAYS have the most up-to-date version of assets available
How to Register
- The preferred browser is Chrome
- Click on the 'Register Now!' button below
- On the home page, click on 'Access request'
- Complete the form
- For 'Role' please select 'consumer'
- You should receive a confirmation email from 'noreply@canto.com' and then your login within a few days - if those emails don't arrive, please first check your junk folder and then let us know if they are not there.
Using the Portal
Everything in this portal is available for you to use. Unfortunately we can't include everything that's on our website in the portal. This is because some images are licensed and others - such as site photos - are bound by a waiver to SolarEdge from the site installer and/or system owner.
Access to the UK SPARC Partner Portal is free, and a condition of its use is that you adhere to our brand guidelines. You can find a copy of our brand book here. We are very proud of our logo and all of our marketing assets, so please take some time to read through it.
We have a number of regional portals. If you are outside of the UK or Ireland, let us know so that we can direct you to a portal that is appropriate to your region.
If you have any questions, please get in touch.